Long Pistachio

Almond Shaped and good yield and with long- large nuts.

*Akbari (Super Long): stretched and well-formed

It is large type and can be harvested in late September.

Sizes; 18-20, 20-22, 22-24

Naturally open mouth

Open Mouth percent: High

Kernel color: Purple/red brown

Shell color: Dark cream

*Badami (Semi-long): dagger-like

This nut is generally small and can be harvested in early summer.

sizes: 24-26, 26-28, 28-30, 30-32

Naturally open mouth

Open Mouth Percent: High

Kernel color: purple/red brown

Shell color: Dark cream

*Ahmad Aghaei (Long): approximate appearance to the rectangle

High yield and its shorter time to reach production.  It can be harvested in late September.

Sizes: 22-24, 24-26, 26-28, 28-30

Naturally open mouth

Open Mouth percent: High

Kernel color: purple/red

Shell color: Very light cream

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